But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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We Beleve That

Do good For Others

We help nonprofits from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe (and hundreds of places in between) access the tools, training,

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about foundation

what have we done with your help

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage Lorem of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle There are many variations of passages

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healthy Food

We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training,


We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training,

Strong Team

We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training,

250 mln

People Live with a disability

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Gainioz Shape Gainioz Shape

People Say about our foundation

“ “ I ah4preciate your amazing services and professional staff for all your hard work and creative thinking! It was fun, and I hope to work with you again soon “ “

Rasalina William

“ “ I ah4preciate your amazing services and professional staff for all your hard work and creative thinking! It was fun, and I hope to work with you again soon “ “

Dikari Milix

“ “ I ah4preciate your amazing services and professional staff for all your hard work and creative thinking! It was fun, and I hope to work with you again soon “ “

Hilari Kindon

Road Safe Story

After having survived a tragic road crash, our founder and chief visionary -Sam Nyaude realized as citizens of Zimbabwe we need to do more to improve road safety in our country. We can’t continue to look to the government for all solutions in the prevailing environment, especially taking into cognisance that a lot of the problems on Zimbabwe’s roads are attributed to human error. This translates to a need for road use behaviour change!

As much as we acknowledge the role of the Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe, – a parastal under the Ministry of Transport & Infrastructure Development – of being the lead national agent for road safety strategy implementation, we believe there is a lot we can do to improve road safety. Over the last decade we have witnessed a notable increase in road carnage in Zimbabwe and that alone says we need to do something differently.

The UNITED NATIONS last year launched a Global Plan for the 2nd Decade of Action for Road Safety, that outlines evidence based solutions for countries to implement for the reduction of road collisions leading to injuries and deaths. The UN Target is to reduce road deaths by 50% by the year 2030. Sadly, Zimbabwe is not on course to fulfil this target as evidenced by the Road Safety Performance Review Report issued December 2021. In fact, Zimbabwe’s road related deaths are actually on an increase, ranking Zimbabwe in the Top 5 most dangerous countries to use the road.

But how can we not use the roads? They offer us access to our livelihoods; work, school, food, family and so much more. So as Road Safe Zimbabwe Trust, we’re forging partnerships across the board, that will enable us to tackle the many key risk factors for road carnage.

We will not waste time to dwell on the need for improved road safety action in Zimbabwe – more than 2000 lives lost annually, 10’s of thousands of others injured with a significant number sustaining permanent injuries resulting in loss of livelihoods, about 400Million USD lost due to property damage annually and no accountability on the cost of human lives lost or injured.

With this kind of knowledge, it is surprising that road safety is NOT a development priority for Zimbabwe. We think it is time to ACT for safer road use in Zimbabwe. All solutions start with partnerships that work, hence our reaching out.

Road Safe Vision

A Zimbabwe where everyone has the opportunity to live a life that is safe from preventable road traffic deaths and injuries.

The Opportunity!

Now more than ever, we need to utilize the opportunity presented by the Global Plan for Road Safety to structure actions that will see a reduction in the occurrence of road crashes in Zimbabwe.

The 6 pillars for road safety outline entry points for us to tackle the road traffic chaos that exists in Zimbabwe. Usually road safety interventions are summarized by 4 E’s,

  1. Engineering – Safe road infrastructure that puts human beings at the centre of its designs
  2. Education – We need to invest heavily in constant awareness and advocacy for safe road use
  3. Enforcement – We need to update our road safety legislation and ensure effective policing all the way through to prosecution. This will curb traffic law violations by road users
  4. Emergency Care basically focuses on an effective post-crash solution.
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